Monday, November 15, 2010

Soft Circuit: Beating Heart

In preparation for our sketch two project we were encouraged to test out soft circuits. Our team designed a circuit that included LED's in the shape of a heart, along with a light sensor. We designed it so that the darker the environment, the faster the heart beats. This could simulate a person who is scared of the dark. Conductive thread was used to complete the circuit. Below are some images and a video of our soft circuit.

Hard-wired Arduino board with basic light sensor circuit, which was later translated into a wearable garment.

Wires connecting from light sensor to 5V, and resistor to ground.
We sewed a parallel circuit, where the negative side is on the inside and positive on the outside. Negative leg of LED is connected to ground, and positive leg to pin 13.

We made a pocket to house the battery and Arduino board, so we would not have to be wired up to a computer. 

The Arduino code has been uploaded onto the board, and is connected to the battery, and is ready to go. 

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